What if Secret Chiefs were real?
What if Secret Chiefs were real?

What if Secret Chiefs were real?

As I am waiting for a visit from physical Secret Chiefs (see earlier blogs), I have been wondering what the impact would be on the Western Mystery Tradition if one of them actually showed up and gave me the passwords to prove they are what they say.

The doctrine of physical Secret Chiefs has been carefully mapped out over the last couple of hundred years.  The idea is that people who have evolved in life enough have developed a form of immortality and can exist both on the earth and on the astral planes.  While many claim to have spoken to secret chiefs astrally few have claimed to have seen them in the flesh.
One of the most documented Secret Chiefs was that of Master R who apparently met BOTA’s Paul Foster Case.  In fact Master R rarely spoke to Case “in the flesh” and most of the information which came from him was channelled through a medium.
Case’s successor, Anne Davies, never met Master R in the flesh, but did say that he once aported a cheap statue of Madonna (the mother of god not the singer) to cheer her up when she was down.
If secret chiefs were real, and remember I am waiting for THEM to confirm this, then it would create a very interesting change in Western occultism.
1.    All occult orders who do not have a Secret Chief who can meet them on the physical, will have to shut.  After all they just playing at it. This would mean 99.99 per cent of all esoteric movements in the last 200 years would be ruled as bogus and have to shut.  Name an order.  Does it claim to have a Secret Chief who its current leader has met in real life?   If the answer is no, then IF secret chiefs exist than, then that group has no spiritual rights at all.  Please be aware that Astral masters do not count.  They have to be perfect humans in flesh to be classed as Secret Chiefs.  So if you like Crowley, Dion Fortune, Israel Regardie, Chic and Tabatha Cicero, Nick Farrell, Pat Zalewski, Marian Green, Alex Saunders… none if whom met secret chiefs in the flesh, their work is gone.
2.   All occult orders would have to be subservient to a human secret chief who acts most of the time like an absentee landlord.  While this chief talks to chiefs of orders, most of the time it lets those chiefs get on with it even if those leaders take their group to ruin.   In all the stories about Secret Chiefs they never intervene in the running of an order.  They just withdraw from it if the order starts to go tits up.  As someone who runs an order, this is not particularly useful. A secret chief does not have to do anything to assist a group.  They just have to be there and in charge.  There are few cases of Secret Chief Material ending up in the studies of an order.  All of it was part of channelled sessions and most of it has the fingerprints of the person running the group.  Case is the same.  Very little material from his channelled sessions with Master R made it into the course material.  So a secret chief does not have to write new material.  The might inspire stuff, but they do not fix errors.  They also do not use their financial wealth to back their orders.
3.   All material which is made public has to be censored by the Secret Chiefs. Secret chiefs appear to be very big on secrecy, I guess it goes with their handle.
4.   The Universe and the magical world is run exactly like a masonic lodge. 
5.   The Mysteries are only for males. The only people who can be Secret Chiefs are males.  The only recorded meetings with secret chiefs in the flesh are universally with males.  It appears that females do not qualify.  There is no racial bar; they are allowed to be Indians, Native Americans, Chinese, Arabs, Jews, Etruscans, Egyptians.  There have been few recorded secret chiefs who were of African descent.  If you were hoping your secret chief could be a black woman you could be out of luck.  If this is true then it tells us something very important about the universe. It also means that if you are a woman you can never aspire to being a Secret Chief, you will always be a second class citizen spiritually.
6.     Group leaders become very important. Secret Chiefs are the spiritual elite of humanity.  They are deemed “just men made perfect.”  Their decisions are supposed therefore to be correct and right all the time. This means that those who they select as leaders are supposed to meet extremely high standards and be nearly perfect themselves.  Since they are the only ones who can talk to the Secret Chiefs, then it goes without saying that without them the group will be spiritually cut off.  It also goes without saying that it is the Chiefs view of a person that counts, and not their spiritual development.
7.    Humans are not allowed to be magically creative until they are Secret Chiefs or have been instructed to do so by them.   One person, who claimed to have had a connection to Master R once said that I was not allowed to write anything, not even papers to my chiefs.  So if you see someone writing a book or a blog, it has to be with the full approval of your Secret Chiefs. 
8.  Humans will be divided into those who are suited to be occultists and the rest of the world who are lesser beings.  If an occultist aspires, they might achieve through their merits the ability to be a secret chief, but the rest of the world will always be cattle.
9.   There is absolutely no individuality in such a system or any free will.  You are either surrendered to the Secret Chiefs or their agents on earth, or you are not doing true spiritual work.

Still it must be a world worth having, if it really is like that.  So I am still open minded about the Secret Chiefs arranging a meeting.


  1. Nick, Crowley claimed to have met the Secret Chiefs on a few occassions. His final teachings on the HGA are that it is an independent being existing outside of the individual. He is pretty clear that Aiwass was at once physically and astrally present during the Equinox of the Gods. A state he couldn’t really describe.

  2. Hi Jason… that is a fairly common psychic thing… you get that when your Order is linked…. but it is not the same as him being physically there or being in a position to be on the phone if Crowley needed a correct pronunciation of a Hebrew word. The concept here is are the secret chiefs real physical people.

  3. Or Don, what if YOU are a Secret Chief and you’re just trying to throw everybody off your trial?

    What if the Secret Chiefs also have Secret Chiefs? (Would they be Secret Secret Chiefs, or Secret Chief Chiefs, or Secret Secret Chief Chiefs?)

    But it doesn’t matter in the end, because the SECRET Secret Secret Chiefs are actually white mice (sorry, Morgan), and the answer to life, the universe and everything is “42”. Which everybody knows about now because of that filthy oathbreaker Douglas Adams.

  4. Hi Nick.

    I personally have no doubt that the Secret Chiefs have existed in the past and continue to exist. As to the claims as to those in reputed contact with them in the present, that is another issue that I am not qualified to judge.
    Certainly i dislike these sorts of claims. Nevertheless as you know the Secret Chiefs are historically intertwined within the Western Mystery Tradition as well as other esoteric traditions.

    Now to my point: as you know the Mysteries are about the evolution / maturing / transformation of the animal-human to to the angelic god.

    When you consider that Secret Chiefs are those adepts whom were once human, but have become an angelic, then why should this be an object of riddicule? Is this not one of the entire points of the Great Work of every adept?! Is this not what every sincere adept aims for, the completion of the Great Work within?

    It seems to me that implied by the article is that angels are etheric non physical beings – the stuff of imagination and dreams. Which either makes Mather’s a liar or a fool. Whereas to consider our own maturing from the base to the angelic. Then it should come as no surprise that some adepts (I.e only whom completely dedicate themselves to the task, away from the hobbyest and the mundane) actually do blossom.

  5. I get the whole sarcastic thing you have going here but…..

    If you were truly seeking a physical secret chief would you not look for spiritual power/enlightenment as the discerning factor of whether or not they are true chiefs. Say the ability to fill a room with pure crystalline light transfiguring any impurities into perfection.

    After all what use would a secret chief have for silly passwords, sign or even GD orders. All get shadowed in comparison to real spirituality.

    So even if secret chiefs did exist, it would be no wonder why they have abandoned a dysfunction order that cares more about secret signs and passwords then true advancement of mankind…….

  6. It would not be fair of me to ask a physical secret chief to demonstrate their powers. In fact that would be like the little kid who demands a miracle. To me it is more important that they prove that 1. They physically exist. 2. They know enough for any esoteric order to need them. If they know the passwords it means that they know enough about my order to be relevant (the passwords are not empty things in any real occult order) and have access to the deeper aspects of the group. Sure if they would like to do a few miracles too, I will not say no…. but it is a miracle enough that they understand symbolically and magically what MOAA is about.

    1. Leonard Stevens

      I don’t agree. It is more than fair. The reason is: I have never meet the President of the USA. Perhaps I should doubt his existence and demand he reveals himself to me, in five days. Failure not to show, gives and excuse to further my belief there is no USA President but is the fiction produced by TV media.

      You see the truth is I am not important enough for the President
      to even notice me. However in the unlikely event the Secret Service knock on my door, take me to an airport and I see Presidential One landing with the Obama coming out of it, and shake his hands I would be convinced. That is a logical demonstration of powers of a President.

      But unless he has been spying on me, he would not know my secret passwords. While I can logically expect a demonstration of his powers as President.. ie. the aircraft, the Secret Service etc etc. How can I logically expect the President to know whatever signs codes I have made up to fit into my system, without spying. IMO Demonstration of Office by ability. ie. Supernatural powers of an angelic being make a Secret Chief, not knowing the secrets signs of one of hundreds, if not thousands of magical groups around.

      The Secret Chiefs is kind of a silly conversation, and not a game I care to play anyway. So that is all I will say on this Secret Chiefs BS.


  7. If they don’t show up and you say so, the topic will come round again sometime, as it tends to do . . . everyone is looking to connect more deeply with the archetypes of father/mother/mentor and the discussion of Secret Chiefs falls in that context.

    If you go silent on this topic, we will know what happened (you met them and they asked you to keep it a secret) . . . but then that might set a precedent that to meet the Secret Chiefs, all you have to do is throw down the gauntlet on a blog . . . what is a Secret Chief to do?

  8. The secret chiefs, lords of karma etc. are all bs. Created by men driven by ego to prove that their order is superior or to justify their existence. Also we all like to feel that someone is in charge, and we are not responsible for our own lives.The important thing is that that we should not make something someone said part of our belief system without proof. So the secret chiefs should come and show themselves and prove themselves with miracles etc. Secret chiefdom will be a very lonely place if no one believes.Always brings a smile to my face when I read or hear about beliefs that is some gurus creation and then swallowed whole by the spiritual groupies.

    1. Not at all Jake. I am saying that mortal humans acting as gatekeepers for different groups cannot be secret chiefs. A “spiritual powerhouse” comes from the realms of spirit and not from a flawed human. An esoteric order does not need the blessing of an occultist (however good they may be) who claims that they are some grand pooh-bah. The need a connection to the spiritual principles behind their order.

    1. The inner school of an order is different from the concept of secret chiefs yes. Put it this way I am in the Inner School of an Order and I am not a superman 🙂
      There is a fair bit of theater and mystique which goes with “crossing the abyss” and what it does to you and what level you manage to do it. Some cross it and they totally change…. others “have an experience”. Most people remain developed in some ways and not in others and some have personality traits which are less than evolved.
      I have met two people who others claimed were secret chief material. One had the aura of being a spiritual person, but wasnt and the other had a sense of drama about him which meant I did not trust him. However I have met adepts who are wonderful people… just very very human.

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