hermetic cover(final)The latest edition of the Hermetic Tablet it is out and it is a rather interesting issue.

For those interested in the Golden Dawn Tradition there are loads of previously unpublished works by prominant Golden Dawn leaders and a complete correspondence course from a defunct modern Golden Dawn order which was established in the UK in the 1970s.  There is a review of the new edition of Israel Regardie’s Golden Dawn book by Tony Fuller. And an analysis of the Golden Dawn’s Coptic system, which required me to download a new typeface.

There is a strong goetic current with essays from Aaron Leitch and Jake Stratton-Kent and some rather interesting ancient magic from Jayne Gibson, João Pedro Feliciano and myself.

Here is the table of contents


The paperback can be found here Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

While the limited edition hardback can be found here Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

At time of writing this the hardback (which was limited to 100 copies was heading towards being sold out.

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