Christopher Cattan had an odd chapter in his Geomancy book in which he describes the effects on a chart when the figure in the first house moves to another house. The system is poorly developed and appears to have been added as an afterthought*, although I am told that a form of these “rules” exists in Arabic geomancy.

The situation came up on Facebook when I was discussing a health reading (the question was will the patent get better) with the traditional geomancer Shittu A. O. Sage. The Querent was Fortuna Major and the Quested, the patent, was in the seventh house and the court, and every other figure was positive. However, Fortuna Major moved to the eighth house which both Cattan and the Arabic tradition said could be seen as death.

Cattan describes these rules as “a brief deduction of the accord and signification of the sixteen figures in the 12 houses” and the reason I ignored them when writing Star and Stone is because he only paired the first house with the house. It seemed an odd duplication as Cattan had already mentioned what each figure meant in each house earlier in the book.

What appears to be happening is that Cattan is trying to explain what happens when the querent moves to another house and it gives another effect. Here is what he said:

“When you find the first house passes to another, you should judge the signification of the house where they pass
 I will give you an example of a figure which my Lord of Tays commanded me to make to know if the French King Francis I and Emperor Charles I would speak together
. Acquisto was in the first house and moved to the seventh which is the house of Kings and Emperors by which I judged that the King would speak to the Emperor. If it had also passed to the third it would have shown that King Francis would demand by way of substance.”

So what is happening here? It is unlikely Cattan has broken all the rules and is offering a dumbed-down system which ignores the court, and the placement of other figures. Nor is it likely to be a quick and dirty means of getting a reading without looking at other parts of the chart.  What is important is that it is describing what happens to the querant and the actions they will take. So in the first reading, the querant moves to the Quested to effect a transformation (or death). In the relationship reading, the querent will move in companionship with the quested it will be a relationship that will overturn their existing life patterns.

Below is a reading for someone concerned that their boyfriend was thinking too much about their ex, even though the ex lived in his home country.  She asked whether he still loves his ex.  The court says “yes” but he is Caput Draconis who moves to the ninth house. Caput says he wants a new beginning and has moved to another country to escape his ex.  He might still have feelings for her but has got as far away from her as possible.

In short, it tells you the Querent’s involvement in the inquiry.  It follows the flow of the rest of the reading.  So in the case of the relationship reading where the querant (conjunto) moves to the Ninth house, he has moved away from his ex but continues to communicate with her.   The new age doctor wondering if he could heal the person is Fortuna Major and moves to the eighth house.  This indicates that he can transform the situation, but this will take some time.

The list which follows is not exhaustive but should give you an idea.  I will provide an example at the bottom.


In Cattan’s chart the first figure is the querent and the number is the house that it has moved.  I have widened the meanings to prevent things from getting too badly locked in medieval obsessions


  1. Obtaining clothing or appearance to obtain honour. Make gains with other people of a like mind.
  2. Obtaining money, resources, honour, joy and profits through friends and relatives and short journeys and communications.
  3. Obtaining gains, resources and honour through the father. The Querent brings a successful end to the matter.
  4. Obtaining gains through children, pleasure, food, sex and recreation
  5. Obtaining gains and good luck through employees, or based on your own physical health.
  6. Obtaining gains and good luck through other people, arranging a successful marriage, negotiating with enemies.
  7. Obtaining gains through death, or the end of the matter being questioned, it is good for magic and inheritances.
  8. Obtaining gains through a physical or spiritual journey. Much gained through education, sending children to school, or some form of religion. The querent might have a valid dream.
  9. Obtaining gains through people in authority, government bodies or through the mother.
  10. Obtaining gain and profit through friends or by focusing on wishes, desires and the question.
  11. Obtaining gains and profit by taking no action or protecting assets rather than placing them at risk. It would be a good idea to receive treatment in an institution. The querent might find that their limitations are increased.


  1. Loss of goods clothing or appearance. The querent will have arguments and lawsuits over material goods or might need an operation to remove something.
  2. Losing money, resources, honour, joy and profits through friends and relatives and short journeys and communications. Terrible communications or short journeys.
  3. Losing resources and honour through the father. The Querent will bring about an unsuccessful end to the matter. This figure is bad for anything other than love where the querant will make the right moves.
  4. Loss of gains through children, pleasure, food, sex and recreation. Premature birth, abortion, or termination.
  5. Loss of resources through employees, or poor physical health.
  6. Loss of resources through other people, good for arranging love or a successful marriage but bad for partnerships and negotiating with enemies. Could indicate fights or conflicts
  7. The querent choices to sacrifice resources through death, changes, and transformations. They might bring the matter to an end. The loses an inheritance or other people’s money.
  8. A physical or spiritual journey either fails or requires much sacrifice or money. The querent is a poor student, their spiritual vision is weak and their dreams are invalid.
  9. The querent loses money to people authority and government bodies. If they are politicians they will lose office. The mother is unable to provide any resources and sea travel is bad.
  10. The querent loses profit through friends or due to fantasies or poor research. Anger and fights with friends. The querent might choose to be a friend to a person no longer.
  11. The querent loses resources which are supposed to be protected. Loss of freedom and a choice to receive treatment in an institution may not be good. The querent might try to reduce their limitations.

Fortuna Major

  1. The querent shall make long-term gains by investing in goods or improving their appearance. They will succeed if they bring about a lawsuit.
  2. The querent shall make long-term gains through friends and relatives and short journeys and communications.
  3. The querent shall make long-term gains through the father. The Querent will bring about a successful end to the matter.
  4. The querent shall be happy and find joy through food, sex and recreation. It indicates few children, but these will be healthy.
  1. The querent shall make long-term gains through employees, and physical health. If they are sick they will get better.
  2. The querent shall make long-term gains through other people, a good figure for marriages and arranging peace between enemies. The querent might be involved in revealing or disclosing secrets.
  3. The querent either changes their approach or in some cases dies or brings about the death of another (if this was the nature of the question). This represents a slow transformation which causes some pain or sacrifice to the querant. It is good for magic and invocations if these are involved in resolving the question.
  4. The querent shall make long-term gains through a physical or spiritual journey. The querent is a good student. Spiritual visions will only make sense in hindsight and dreams will be true but too cryptic to read.
  5. The querent shall have success from people in authority and government bodies. If they are politicians they will elections eventually. The mother is can provide any resources required, although it might take a little longer.
  6. The querent shall succeed through friends and by hoping for the best.
  7. The querent will move into a situation with limited power or freedom to move. Their enemies will take advantage of this.

Fortuna Minor

  1. The querent shall make small short-term gains by investing in goods or improving their appearance. They will have to take any action quickly.
  2. The querent shall make small short-term gains through friends and relatives and short journeys and communications. Ensure that all actions and communications are quick to have the best effect,
  3. The querent’s father might be sick or in declining health and this is relevant to the question. The Querent will bring about a quick and successful end to the matter.
  4. In the short term the querent shall be happy and find joy through food, sex and recreation. All this will be expensive. Children will be healthy.
  1. The querent shall make short-term gains through employees, who will be clever, witty and wise. Health is fine in the short term, and any illnesses will be reduced.
  2. The querent shall make short -term gains through other people, a good figure for marriages and relationships. It indicates that both partners are willing to make sacrifices for each other. It seems though that there are some difficulties getting together. A woman is wise. Any affair will be discovered.
  3. The querent either changes their approach or in some cases dies or brings about the death of another (if this was the nature of the question). This represents a quick transformation that causes pain or sacrifice to the querant. It is suitable for magic and invocations if these are involved in resolving the question.
  4. The querent shall make short-term gains through a physical or spiritual journey. This trip shall be quick. The querent is a good student but might be a little to quick and superficial. Spiritual visions will make sense and dreams will be true.
  5. The querent shall have short-term minor success from people in authority and government bodies. If they are politicians they will win elections. The mother is can provide any resources required. The querent will receive news which will help them resolve the question.
  6. The querent shall have success through friends and will have their wishes quickly fulfilled.
  7. The querent will move into a situation where they have limited power or freedom to move and everything will go wrong. If the question is about buying a car, the querent will make the right choice.


The reading should be destroyed


  1. The querent shall have gain and profit through writing, books or white objects!
  2. The querent shall have gain and profit through friends and relatives through short journeys and communications. Letters and emails will help the querent resolve the matter of the question.
  3. The querent shall have gain and profit through his father. Law suits will be quickly settled. The Querent will bring about a quick and successful end to the matter.
  4. The querent shall have many healthy children find happiness and comfort in the company of wise people.
  1. The querent shall have gain and profit through employees. The querant will find a good doctor to ensure that health improves and any illness is reduced.
  2. A querant moving to forge a marriage will find themselves content. Working to establish business partners is a good idea and any enemies can be forced to the negotiating table or might take the initiative and demand peace.
  3. The querent either changes their approach, transforms, or in some cases dies or brings about the death of another (if this was the nature of the question). It is suitable for magic and invocations if these are involved in resolving the question.
  4. The querent shall have gain and profit through a physical or spiritual journey. This trip shall be good and profitable. Any messages shall be good news. The querent might be a doctor or find a good doctor. Dreams and visions will be accurate and work while.
  5. The querent shall have gain and profit through from people in authority and government bodies. Approaching a mother is can provide assistance.
  6. The querent shall have good luck. Assistance might come from messages or emails.
  7. The querent cannot or does not act and is isolated.

Caput Draconis

  1. The querent shall have gain and profit through starting new projects
  2. The querent shall have gain and profit through friends and relatives through short journeys and communications. Journeys will be good at the start but will take longer than expected
  3. The querent shall have gain and profit through his father. Law suits will be quickly settled. The Querent will bring about a quick and successful end to the matter.
  4. The querent shall have many healthy children find happiness and comfort in the company of wise people.
  1. The querent shall have gain and profit through employees. The querant will find a good doctor to ensure that health improves and any illness is reduced.
  2. A querant moving to forge a marriage will find themselves content. Working to establish business partners is a good idea and any enemies can be forced to the negotiating table or might take the initiative and demand peace.
  3. The querent either changes their approach, transforms, or in some cases dies or brings about the death of another (if this was the nature of the question). It is suitable for magic and invocations if these are involved in resolving the question.
  4. The querent shall have gain and profit through a physical or spiritual journey. This trip shall be good and profitable. Any messages shall be good news. The querent might be a doctor or find a good doctor. Dreams and visions will be accurate and work while.
  5. The querent shall have gain and profit through from people in authority and government bodies. Approaching a mother is can provide assistance.
  6. The querent shall have good luck. Assistance might come from messages or emails.
  7. The querent cannot or does not act and is isolated.

Caput Draconis

The reading should be destroyed


  1. The querent shall have gain and profit, presumably from having a positive attitude.
  2. The querent shall find friends and relatives a source of happiness. Short journeys and communications will be positive as will communications and emails.
  3. The querent’s father is a source of happiness and joy. The matter raised by the question will be bought to a happy conclusion. Any promises made shall be false.
  4. The querent shall have many healthy children find happiness and comfort.  The querent should approach any matter with a lightness of heart and positively.
  1. Employees and those at work will be the key to resolving the problem, perhaps they will be able to see what the querant cannot. In health matters the querant will find a good doctor to ensure that health improves and any illness is reduced.
  2. A querant should take steps to forge a positive relationship. Working with business partners is a good idea. Enemies are not a particular threat as their plans will be made obvious and their secrets exposed.
  3. The querent either changes their approach, transforms, or in some cases dies, brings about the death of another (if this was the nature of the question) or experiences death. The querent might be able to obtain what they want through magic. Although experiences might be bad in this house, the querant will be happy.
  4. The querent shall have happiness and success through a short physical or spiritual journey. Any messages received shall be good and illuminating. The querent might find a good doctor. Dreams and visions will be accurate and work while.
  5. The querent shall take steps to gain the approval of people in authority and government bodies. A mother can provide assistance and guidance. There will be short-term political gains.
  6. The querent shall be happy in the presence of their friends. Assistance might come from messages or emails. The querent must take steps to be positive and focus on their wishes and not be despondent.
  7. The querent must keep their happiness to themselves. Isolate from others and watch the situation carefully. Cars (or livestock) will be stolen.


  1. The querent should lower their expectations. They might make a small profit but nothing large.
  2. The querent shall find friends and relatives burdensome. Short journeys and communications will be difficult, late or bring bad news.
  3. The querent’s father is depressed or unwell. He will not die (unless the eighth house agrees) but he will be slow to provide support. The matter raised by the question will take a considerable length of time to happen. Any promises made shall be true and buying houses and property is good.
  4. The querent shall have few children and they might be sickly. Any attempts to lighten moods with entertainment and fun will fail. The querent should approach the matter seriously and with persistence. positively.
  1. Employees and those at work will work hard to resolve the matter, but will not be especially creative in their approach. In health matters, any issue will take a long time to heal. Doctors will be conservative in their treatment but will ultimately be successful. It is not a good time for radical treatment, unless this is carried out over a long period.
  2. A querant should take steps to forge a stable relationship, while this may not be the sort or passionate or romantic relationship that many would expect, it is nevertheless useful for resolving the question. The same applies to working with business partners. Enemies and conflicts are entrenched and unable to act.
  3. The querent does not change their approach, transform, die, or bring about the death of another (if this was the nature of the question). The move is good for obtaining an inheritance. Psychologically, the querent might be too negative and depressed.
  4. The querent shall make a slow physical or spiritual journey, which will require considerable persistence and willpower. It is suitable for education, as the querent will study hard and work long hours and obtain their goal. The querent might find a good doctor, although it will take a long time to heal. Dreams and visions will be accurate. The querent might be able to obtain what they want through magic but it will be slow.
  5. The querent shall take steps to gain the approval of people in authority and government bodies but it will take a considerable time and there is little chance of such figures doing anything out of a respect or love of the querant. A mother cannot provide assistance and guidance other than to help the querant escape from family issues created by the father. Only long-term political plans will work.
  6. The querent shall be melancholy in the presence of their friends, generally depressed and pessimistic. To obtain what they wish they must be practical and independent.
  7. The querent must keep their sorrow to themselves and isolate from others. Through this negative action, positive responses will happen in the long term. It is viable to seek treatment in a hospital or institution.


  1. The querent shall receive goods and resources from a woman. The querent might be too superficial and obsessed with outside appearance and make a mistake. Obtaining the question might result in spending too much money or mediation. It might be sensible to invest in silver or white objects.
  2. The querent shall find friends and relatives useful and beneficial to the question, Short journeys and communications will be fun and helpful. The querent will seek a romantic interest or might be in love with someone nearby. Diplomacy will be useful
  3. The querent’s father is happy and their family life is stable. In fact, the querent’s stability is essential. They should be happy where they are for now. Decorating the house is a good idea as is working to restore peace in the home environment. Siblings will have little money so it is probably not worth asking them for help. The matter of the question will end either through the actions of a woman connected to the querent (or the querent if they are a woman).
  4. The querent shall have few children and they will be creative and playful. The querent might resolve the question through love and romance and generally having fun. It is likely, if that is the subject of the question, that the querant will be pregnant The querent should approach the matter in a light-hearted manner and not attempt to spark any conflict.
  5. Employees and those at work will work harmoniously and creatively. They might be a little lazy but have a strong team spirit. The querent will take steps to improve their health but might suffer from coughing and kidney issues. Doctors will be creative but might be a little superficial in their approach. Their treatment will ultimately be successful.
  6. A querant and a quested are taking the right steps to forge a loving relationship. This is probably a passionate or romantic relationship, but its danger is that it might be too superficial to last in that state very long. If the querent is single then they will find the romantic relationship that they are looking for. A business partnership will be successful, and enemies have no intention of attacking. It is a good time to talk about peace and truces.
  1. The querent changes their approach, transforms, or helps another person do the same. This house is generally bad and can result in death. If the querent is worried about their own death this figure does not bode well, but if it is about health the sick person will get better quickly. The move is good for obtaining an inheritance from a woman. Psychologically, the querent might be too indecisive, and superficial.
  2. The querent needs to take a free-thinking approach and look at the situation differently. It is good for taking physical or spiritual journeys. It is good for arts and creative students and less useful for STEM subjects. Dreams and visions will be accurate and magic will be successful.
  3. The querent shall charm people in authority and government bodies and play the system very well. It suggests that a woman in authority could resolve the question, but that might be a mother or a grandmother. Peace plans will work, but anything involving war or conflict will be a disaster.
  4. The querent shall find job and support from their friends, particularly female friends. To obtain what they wish they must be creative and think out of the box.
  5. The querent must go against their instincts and isolate from others. It is viable to seek treatment in a hospital or institution. You might feel happy being away from others for a while, but it appears that they are not good for you.


  1. The querent shall receive goods and resources from a man. The querent might be too combative and aggressive. Obtaining the question might require taking the first step and pressing ahead. It might be a good idea to ignore other people’s feelings if the querent wants to achieve a goal. There is an element of self-sabotage in spending, which might be impulsive. You are forced to make use of what you have.
  2. The querent should communicate openly and clearly. Any conversations which they feel they should avoid should have. They should have short journeys and communications to achieve the question, but these should be of short duration. The querent should be searching more for business success and family might provide help. In the short term money will be tight so be aware of this. It is good money spend on conflict or obtaining love.
  3. The querent should carry out domestic projects and take charge on the home front. This might risk some conflict with family members, particularly with fathers. There is an average ability to make cash or obtain resources at this time. The father (if alive) will be healthy, but if the querant wants to know if they are dead, they probably are. Brothers and sisters have no money. The matter of the question will be bought to an end through the decisive actions of a man.
  4. The querent shall have few children who are aggressive and destructive. The querent might resolve the question through love and romance or through conflict. The querent should approach the matter directly and not enjoy any conflict. Some issues will be resolved through sex and understanding that force.
  1. Employees and those at work will be aggressive and not work as a team. They will be productive, but will work in competition with each other which may not be particularly good for some projects. The querent will have the energy to improve their health. Surgeons will be competent but other doctors will be less so, more inclined towards more drastic cures.
  2. A querant and a quested might face ego conflicts and be at each others throats rather a lot. However, this could be a passionate or romantic relationship. The querent will find the romantic relationship that they are looking for and this will help them answer the question. A business partnership will be successful. Enemies will attack and have no interest in peace or truces.
  3. The querent dramatically changes their approach, transforms, or helps another person do the same. This house is generally bad and can result in death. If the querent is worried about their own death this figure does not bode well, but if it is about health the sick person will get better quickly. The move is good for obtaining an inheritance from a man. Psychologically, the querent might be too aggressive and competitive.
  4. The querent needs to take an aggressive approach and force themselves to overcome any intellectual limitations. It is suitable for taking physical or spiritual journeys. It is suitable for studying STEM subjects, but not so good for the arts (although it is suitable for military history and tactics).  Magic will be successful if it is the type which brings about change or curses. It will fail if it is trying to create some form of stability.
  5. The querent might find themselves in conflict with people in authority and government bodies, or they may be pressed into service by them. It suggests that a man in authority could resolve the question. It is not good for a mother or a grandmother. Peace plans will fail, but anything involving war or conflict will be successful.
  6. The querent shall find job and support from their friends, particularly any male friends. To obtain what they wish they must decide what they want and go for it.
  7. The querent is headed for a literal or metaphorical jail if they continue in the way they are. Even if they feel they cannot, they must stop their current course of action or they will be placed in a perilous situation. The querent might have been involved in physical or magical attack on another person.


  1. The querent shall have gain and profit through writing and books. They will have useful meetings and take the right decisions.
  2. The querent shall have gain and profit through meeting friends and relatives short journeys and communications. Letters and emails will help the querent should be studied to see if these can resolve the matter of the question.
  3. The querent shall have gain and support through his father. Lawsuits will be quickly settled and lawyers will be experienced and provide good advice. The Querent, or an older person will bring about a quick and successful end to the matter.
  4. The querent shall not have many children, if any. They shall find happiness and comfort in the company of old and wise people.
  1. The querent shall have gain and profit through employees. The querant will find a good, older and experienced doctor to ensure that health improves and any illness is reduced. Care is needed to ensure that such a doctor has practical rather than theoretical experience.
  2. A querant moving to forge a marriage will find themselves content. Such a marriage will be a meeting of minds. It might be a partnership of older people or one where there is an age gap. Working to establish business partners is a good idea and any enemies can be forced to the negotiating table or might take the initiative and demand peace.
  3. The querent either changes their approach, transforms, or in some cases dies or brings about the death of another (if this was the nature of the question). Generally, the actions of the querent are not good as they might be the actions of someone good on theory but low on experience.
  4. The querent shall have gain and profit through a physical or spiritual journey. Any trips shall be good and profitable. Any messages shall be good news. The querent might be a doctor or find a good doctor. Dreams and visions will be accurate. It is suitable for magic and invocations if these are involved in resolving the question.
  5. The querent shall have gain and profit through from people in authority and government bodies. Always look for someone with experience to help resolve the problem rather than someone who is younger and looks like they have much energy. Approaching a mother can provide assistance.
  6. The querent shall have good luck. Older and more experienced friends might help bring about the answer to the question. Assistance might come from messages or emails.
  7. The querent cannot or does not act and is isolated. While they might not be concerned, the answer to the question involves meetings and other people, so this isolation is negative. It might also indicate that the querent might need hospitalisation or institutional help. The querant might have been involved in a magical attack on a younger person.


  1. The querent should focus on what they can obtain. They might make a small profit but nothing large. It is good for long term investments or investing in property.
  2. The querent should limit their interaction with friends and relatives as these are proving difficult. Short journeys and communications will be difficult, delayed, late or bring bad news.
  3. The querent’s father is depressed or unwell. He will not die (unless the eighth house agrees) but he will be slow to provide support. The matter raised by the question will take a considerable length of time to happen. Any promises made shall be true and buying houses and property is good.
  4. The querent shall have few children and they might be sickly. The querent should approach the matter seriously and with persistence. They should not be thinking of fun activities at the moment but maintain a disciplined approach.
  1. Employees and those at work will work hard and are disciplined, but any projects will be late. In health matters, any issue will take a long time to heal. Doctors will be conservative in their treatment but will ultimately be successful. It is not a good time for radical treatment, unless this is carried out over a long period. A wait for an operating is likely.
  2. A querant will take steps to forge a stable relationship, while this may not be the sort or passionate or romantic relationship that many would expect, it is nevertheless useful for resolving the question. It might be the sort of relationship that both partners need. The same applies to working with business partners. Enemies and conflicts are entrenched and unable to act and the querent is strongly defended.
  3. The querent does not change their approach, transform, die, or bring about the death of another (if this was the nature of the question). The move is good for obtaining an inheritance. Psychologically, the querent might be too negative and depressed.
  4. The querent shall make a slow physical or spiritual journey, which will require considerable persistence and willpower. It is suitable for education, as the querent will study hard and work long hours and obtain their goal. The querent might find a good doctor, although it will take a long time to heal. The querent might be able to obtain what they want through magic but it will be slow and the results will be delayed.
  5. The querent shall take steps to gain the approval of people in authority and government bodies. They might be limited by legal or bureaucratic issues which must be resolved. It will take a considerable time and there is little chance of such figures doing anything out of respect or love of the querant. A mother cannot provide assistance and guidance other than to help the querant escape family issues created by the father. Only limited long-term political plans will work.
  6. The querent shall be melancholy in the presence of their friends, generally depressed and pessimistic. To obtain what they wish they must be practical and independent. They might need to cut themselves off to achieve their wishes or what the question is about.
  7. The querent will successfully protect themselves but might be isolated. It is wise to pause any actions and focus on the question at hand. It is good to seek treatment in a hospital or institution. It is also favourable if the querent conducts some binding spell to protect them.


  1. The querent shall receive goods and resources from large groups of people, white or silver things or invest in land by water. It is important to hold on to material wealth. The querent might be passive or sticking to the status quo.  However, careful planning is required and allies are needed.
  2. The querent should adopt a careful and curious approach. They might receive help from their siblings, but this will come with strings attached. The requirements for such help will not be onerous. Short journeys are being avoided. For a variety of reasons, they will be difficult to organise. Carefully worded emails and messages will have a result, but these will take some time to reach the sender.
  3. The querent focuses on domestic projects and home life and looks to it to provide a level of security. This is useful when dealing with the matters that the question brings up. A closer bond with the father might provide some additional support. However, movement to this place could be a decision to divorce or separation. There might be some pressure to stay, but ultimately a separation will happen. The matter of the question will be decided by many different factors and people and it might be that the querant has no say in the final outcome.
  4. The querent’s closeness to children might be the key to what will happen to answer the question. If the question was about children, there will be many of them and they will be quite passive. Populus moving to the fifth can indicate that the querant (or their partner) is pregnant. They might have a large family.   Populus also sees a sense of fun and enjoyment through other people, it can also indicate a sensual time.
  1. Employees and those at work will be passive and tend too look for leadership. They will be productive, but will not show any initiative or imagination unless it is provided for them. The querent will have the energy to improve their health. Doctors selected will be fairly traditional and fairly indifferent quality. The querant is better at healing illnesses connected to the moon.
  2. A querant and a quested have made all the steps to get together and reflect each other but for some reason everything has been delayed. It does not mean it will not, just that everything has been delayed, possibly because both are a bit passive and each is waiting for the other to make a move. Relationships formed by Populus moving to the seventh are traditional and stable. In situations of conflict and war neither side will want to attack each other. In business, partners will reflect each other perfectly.
  3. The querent dramatically changes their approach, transforms, or helps another person do the same. This house is generally bad and can result in death. If the querent is worried about their own death this figure does not bode well. Psychologically, the querent might be too passive.  It is generally negative in matters connected to this house.
  4. The querent takes a passive approach and follows the crowd. They are lazy when it comes to study, but should remember things well enough. It is bad for taking physical journeys, but better at mysticism and other experiments. It can cause death in this house but this will usually be someone else’s which nevertheless affects the querant.
  5. The querent might find themselves under the control of people in authority and government bodies, or they may be pressed into service by them. They will appear to have no choice and must obey, at least for now. It is good for a mother or a grandmother. It is possible for governments to arrange a truce, but anything like a surrender or actual war is unlikely.
  6. The querent shall find jobs, finance, and support from their friends. To obtain what they wish they must work through others to obtain it as it is difficult to do by oneself.
  7. The querent is interested in helping others but for various reasons feels unable to do so. They are isolated from people generally and too frozen to move. They are feeling a little paranoid and feel a group might curse them (this is unlikely) which might cause them to become involved in magical attacks on others.


  1. The querent shall receive small amounts of goods and resources from individuals, white or silver things or invest in land by water. It is difficult to hold on to material wealth because it disappears as soon as it arrives. The querent might be erratic, attempting to make changes at times while at others refusing to move. It is best to do without thinking and work alone.
  2. The querent should adopt a careful and curious approach. They might receive help from their siblings, but this will come with strings attached. The requirements for such help will not be onerous. Short journeys are good and easy to organise. Emails and messages will not change much but will be sent anyway.
  3. The querent is not interested in domestic projects and home life and wants to travel or stay away from home life. The father is distant and will not form a close enough bond with the querant to make a difference. Movement to this place could be a decision to stay together or get married. There might be some pressure to move. The querent will decide the ending of the question.
  4. If the question was about children, there will be many of them and they will be quite active. Via moving to the fifth can indicate that the querant (or their partner) is pregnant. Pleasure and joy can be found in travelling and movement. The querent though might be travelling alone or with only a few people and be distant most of the time.
  1. Employees and those at work are poorly guided and tend to work badly and independently. The querent could be providing them with leadership but is probably doing the same sorts of things. On the plus side they will show initiative. The querent will have the energy to improve their health. Doctors selected will be non-traditional but that is no guarantee that they will be much good.  The querant is better at healing illnesses connected to the moon.
  2. A querant and a quested have made all the steps to get together and reflect each other but may not have settled down together properly. It does not mean it will not, just that they are tied up doing their own stuff. They might be interested in travelling together. This is an impulsive but not particularly dangerous relationship. Relationships formed by Via moving to the seventh are Bohemian and erratic. In situations of conflict and war both sides will be impetuous and lack a proper plan. Their troops are more likely to runaway.
  3. The querent dramatically changes their approach, transforms, or helps another person do the same. This house is generally bad and can result in death. If the querent is worried about their own death this figure does not bode well. Psychologically, the querent might be too active.  It is generally negative in matters connected to this house.
  4. The querent is individualistic and follows their own way. They are erratic lazy when it comes to study, but should be ok in the end. It is good for taking physical journeys, or ritual magic but better at mysticism and other “less controlled” experiments. It can cause death in this house but this will usually be someone else’s which nevertheless affects the querant.
  5. The querent might find themselves on the run from people in authority and government bodies. They will refuse to obey, at least for now. It is good for a mother or a grandmother. It is possible for governments to arrange a truce or plan an invasion, but it is less good for defence.
  6. The querent shall find no jobs, finance, or support from their friends. To obtain what they wish they must work individually or have no success.
  7. The querent is disinterested in helping and is terrible when forced. They are in enforced isolation and this is making them angry. They are feeling a little paranoid and feel an individual might curse them (this is unlikely) which might cause them to become involved in magical attacks on others.

*In the English translation this section was abandoned halfway through and replaced with a shorthand version which tool up less space. It is not difficult to recreate the meanings based on those provided, but it is a little surprising. To fix these “holes” I have looked at the meanings of the figures and the houses and considered if they are positive or negative in those places.

Does he love me?

Querent is worried that her boyfriend is cheating on her with his ex (has been travelling for work).

The court with left and right witness being Fortuna Major and the Judge as Populus means that the answer is positive for the question, but there is some delay in manifesting this.  The fourth house, which is the end of the matter is Albus so it looks like it will end up ok. He is not in company with anyone so he is not in a relationship with anyone else.

The Querent is Amissio so she is in love with the Quested and she is moving to her fifth, ninth and 11th house. (Clearly making a lot of effort).  He is Puella so he loves her and is moving to his ninth house. Using the moving figure method, this can be read as follows:

The Querent is in a situation where she is not seeing her boyfriend because he is busy and losing pleasure in the relationship this has created a fear that he does not love her. The move to the ninth house can be explained as a general loss of enthusiasm caused by fact that she could not travel with him. This has fuelled those bogus fantasies where he is talking to his ex.  The move to the 11th means that her friends are probably not helping by providing useful advice or are ignoring her.  She appears to be having fights over this question with them.

The Quested appears to be happy with the relationship and is in love with the Querent he is moving to his ninth house which means he is taking a pretty free and open view of the question, which might not be helping as the Querent prefers things black and white.  It is not that he is indifferent to her fears he knows his and that is all that matters.



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