Spell to reduce Covid
Spell to reduce Covid

Spell to reduce Covid

This ritual is based on the system of magic I put forward in Helios Unbound. It invokes Apollo as the God in charge of plagues and uses the patterned opening of the elemental gates (adapted from the Golden Dawn) to form a geomantic figure of Amissio (reduction) v This is a serious ritual that works on the level of the world soul. There are those who believe it is possible to do such rituals by lighting a candle and saying a prayer and while this might have a small effect, it is not magic, but the path of religion. There have been countless “hopes and prayers” for covid for more than two years and it is time for more serious magic. Too often magicians refuse to take action to help solve world problems believing that they are above their pay grade. While this might be true, not doing anything when you can try is equally wrong. This ritual provides you with something you CAN do.

The more people who perform this spell the more successful it will be, and the more lives saved. The less need for lockdowns and compulsory
vaccinations. If you feel it is “too advanced for you, “or seems different from your tradition, just do it and don’t let your lazy lower self prevent you from doing something useful. At the very worst it can’t harm anyone and you will have wasted an hour and a candle. However, your work might contribute to saving many and bringing about magical change. By doing this rite you will be connected to a web of other people who are also doing it.

If you cannot see the pentacles and symbols in this document you can download them here 


<A yellow candle inscribed with the words write ΙΞ̣ΙΔΕϹΙ (this is the name of a protective daemon) and Ἀπόλλων ΠαιάνΦοῖβε end the Covid-19 virus epidemic

A dry bay leaf with the words Covid Virus written on it and then draw the Sigil of Amissio v over it.

<Print out the following diagram

Place the diagram on your altar and table. Place the candle in the middle of the triangle the bay leaf before it. On the northern side of the candle place your water and on the right side your incense burner. Use frankincense or more dry bay leaf as your inse


Greek Cross

Reach up and tap between your eyebrows and visualise the crown centre above your head (see this as diamond light) realise that this is
your spiritual centre in your body.

Say SU EI [SY EE] (ΣΥ ΕΙ) (This means
literally “you are”)

When you have this visualised this take your hand down to your belly button while drawing this white diamond light down with it. Turn
your hand to point to the floor and see this light continue down to your feet.
See a sphere of dark violet form beneath your feet.

which means Kingdom. Keeping on visualising that line of light, tap your right
shoulder and see a sphere form of scarlet.

Η ΔΥΝΑΜΙΣ) which means “and the Power.”
Draw a line across your body to your left shoulder. See a sphere of bright blue

ΔΟΞΑ) which means “and the Glory.” Think about what you are passively doing in your life and how you forgive. Interlock your fingers and
touch your thumbs together so that they are in an upward pointing triangle level to your heart.

You are balancing Heaven, Earth, mercy, and severity, Order and Chaos in your Sphere of Sensation. When you have done this rotate your
wrist so that your thumbs are pointing downwards. See a rose-pink ball of light in your heart centre [turning the wrist opens the heart centre]. All feelings to come to the surface (opening the heart centre always brings feelings. Note what they are.

Say AEI [EYE-EE] [Forever] (Α-ΕE) and see yourself as a rose cross of white light with a rose centre broadcasting balanced golden
light to the whole world.

Homeric based Narrative Charm

Stand in the Northwest and face the altar saying: The mules he assailed first and the swift dogs, but then on the men themselves he let fly
his stinging shafts and struck; and constantly the pyres of the dead burned thick. But Apollo then stayed his curse.

Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

Trace any image or figure in the air with the finger, dagger or another magical instrument. What is critical is the visualisation of everything at the right moment is vital.

Facing East perform a Greek Cross. Draw, in the air facing EAST an invoking pentagram about three feet across. ã bringing the point of the dagger to the centre of the Pentagram, vibrate the Name AIΩ (pronounced AH, EE, AW)

Without moving the dagger trace a semicircle before you as you turn towards the SOUTH. Again, trace the pentagram ã, bring the dagger to the centre of it, and vibrate the name ΩIA, (pronounced AW, EE, AH)

Again, trace the semicircle with the dagger to the WEST, trace the Pentagram, ã bringing the blade to the centre, and vibrate the name ΩAI, (pronounced AW, AH, EE) Then, turn towards the NORTH, while tracing the circle, trace the pentagram ã,
bring the point of the dagger to the centre and vibrate the name AΩI, (pronounced either AH, AW, EE)

Return to the EAST, completing tracing the circle of brilliant white light, bringing the dagger point to the centre of the EAST pentagram.

Say BEFORE ME (then vibrate) RAPHAEL (pronounced RA-FA-EL) Imagine a scintillating brilliant golden Archangel in front
of you and facing you. In his/her right hand is a caduceus.

Then, say, BEHIND ME (then vibrate) GABRIEL (pronounced WA-VREE-EL)

Imagine a scintillating brilliant silver Archangel behind you and facing you, holding in their right hand a silver chalice.

Raise your right arm at right angles pointing towards the South

Then, say, AT MY RIGHT HAND (then vibrate) MICHAEL (pronounced MEE-KA-EL)

Imagine a scintillating brilliant flaming Archangel at your right, facing you, and holding a sword of flame.

Keeping your right hand raised, raise your left arm at right angles pointing towards the North so you are standing as a cross.

Then, say, AT MY LEFT HAND (then vibrate) Souriel (pronounced SOO-REE-EL)

Imagine an Archangel of blue lightning holding a thunderbolt.

Imagine yourself as a golden cross radiating yellow light to fill the room and say,


Imagine that behind you is a golden hexagram. It is a symbol of your Higher Self. See it unite with you and that the room is flooded with
golden light.

Vibrate the name IAΩ (E, AH, AW)

Repeat the Greek Cross.

Opening the Elemental Gates to create Amissio

1. Face East.



Say, Hear Me and make all spirits subject unto Me so that every Spirit of the Firmament and the Aether; upon the earth and under the
Earth, on dry land or in the water, of whirling air or of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of God may be obedient unto Me. May the elemental gates open, and may I be free of anything that limits me.

3. Visualise a landscape beyond the East with a tall tower in front of it. Draw the Order pentagram Ý while vibrating PHILOTÊS (FEEL-OT-ES) (Φιλοτης) and draw a Spirit wheel A in the centre while vibrating Logos (Λογος).

4. Visualise the pentagrams hanging in the air and creating a vortex of power (like a spiralling galaxy). See Hades (lion-headed) stand
before it.

5. Draw the Fire Pentagram å vibrating the divine names ZOROTHION. In the centre draw the sign of Leo e and vibrate and HADES (Αδης). Say, Spirits of Fire, assist Apollo to reduce the influence of the Covid Virus in the world.

6. Face South. Visualise a landscape beyond the South with a tall tower in front of it.

7. Draw the Chaos pentagram ß vibrating NEIKOS (NEE-KOS) and a Spirit wheel A in the centre while vibrating KHAOS.

8.Visualise the pentagrams hanging in the air and creating a vortex of power (like a spiralling galaxy). See Zeus (man -headed) stand before

9. Draw the Air pentagram á vibrating AKRAMATHA. In the centre draw the sign of Aquarius k and vibrate ZEUS (Ζευς). Say, Spirits of Air , assist Apollo to reduce the influence of the Covid Virus in the world.

10. Face West. Visualise a landscape beyond the West with a tall tower in front of it. Draw the Order pentagram Ý while vibrating PHILOTÊS
(FEE-LO-T’ES) and draw a Spirit wheel A in the centre while vibrating Logos.

11. Visualise the pentagrams hanging in the air and creating a vortex of power (like a spiralling galaxy). See Persephone (eagle-headed)
stand before it.

12. Draw the water Pentagram â vibrating the divine name PERITON. In the centre draw the sign of Scorpio h and vibrate PERSEPHONE (Περσεφονη).
Say, Spirits of Water, assist Apollo to reduce the influence of the Covid Virus in the world.

13. Face North. Visualise a landscape beyond the West with a tall tower in front of it. Draw the Chaos pentagram ß vibrating NEIKOS (NEE-KOS) and draw a Spirit wheel A in the centre while vibrating KHAOS.

14. Visualise the pentagrams hanging in the air and creating a vortex of power (like a spiralling galaxy). See Hera (bull-headed) stand
before it.

15. Draw the Earth Pentagram ã vibrating the divine name PARAMAH. In the centre draw the sign of Taurus b and vibrate and
HERA (Ἥρᾱ). Assist Apollo to reduce the influence of the Covid Virus in the world.

16. Go to the altar and face east. Say, I invoke the forces of the Spirit of Life. Draw the Order pentagram Ý while vibrating PHILOTÊS (FEE-LO-T’ES) and draw a Spirit wheel A in the centre while vibrating Logos. Draw the Chaos pentagram ß vibrating NEIKOS (NEE-KOS) and draw a Spirit wheel A in the centre while vibrating KHAOS.

17. Say, I invoke the Dæmons of the Celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. You are the guardians of the gates of the
Universe, become the guardians of this mystic space. Keep far removed any unbalanced forces. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the divine light and that light extended to the world to heal it from the influence of the Corona Virus.

18. Stand in the form of a cross and say, I am a creature of Chaos searching for meaning in Order. I stand between the Sun and the Moon, the
gods and matter, and the Light and the Dark. I am balanced and the perfected vehicle for my Higher Genius.

19. See a line of light coming from each of the quarters and the beings there meeting in the centre and forming into a rose. On the temple floor see the symbol of Amissio form until it occupies the entire floor space.

Purify and consecrate your temple with water and incense.

Purify the candle

Creature of Wax I purify you with water for my purpose so you will be perfect sacrifice to Apollo Paen. I baptise and name
you the Covid-19 virus. Its life is your life, its blood is your blood and instead of causing death and pain throughout the world you will be sacrificed
to Apollo so he will remove you from the earth.

Consecrate the candle

Creature of Wax I consecrate you with fire for my purpose so you will be perfect sacrifice to Apollo Paen. I name you the
Covid-19 virus. Its life is your life, its blood is your blood and instead of causing death and pain throughout the world you will be sacrificed to Apollo so he will remove you from the earth.

Invoke Apollo Paean

I invoke the Son of Zeus far-shooting Apollo, whom gods
tremble before as in Zeus’s abode he is striding. Come forth Apollo Paean,
healer and the cause and rescuer from plagues. Come forth Akesios
Averter of Evil, Aguieus protector of public places, Boêdromios, helper in distress, Epikourios,
who saves from pestilence, and Loimios who delivers
from plague. Come
forth from Bassae in Arcadia from your temple in
Mount Lycaeus.

Hear me, god of the silver bow, who stand over Chryse and holy Cilla, and rule mightily over Tenedos, Sminthian god, if humans ever roofed over a temple to your pleasing, or if ever we burned to you fat thigh-pieces of bulls and goats, fulfil this prayer for me: stay off your Arrows of Covid-19
virus make this epidemic stop. Return to the peaks of Olympus cease your anger. For there is wailing on the altar, wives and elderly rend
the air, long-drawn moans and piercing cries bent with prayers and litanies.

Lord Apollo, come with Paian stay off your Arrows of Covid-19 virus make this epidemic stop

As my mouth utters the secret words.

First angel of great Zeus, IAO

You are Michael, who rules heaven’s realm,

You are Gabriel who sends healing from Olympos.

You are Abrasax, delighting in dawn who is gracious at sunset

You are Adonai Father of the world.

All nature quakes in fear of you, Pakerbeth.

I adjure you by the God’s head, which is Olympos;

I adjure you God’s signet, which is healing;

I adjure you by the right hand which you hold over the world;

I adjure you God’s bowl containing wealth;

I adjure you eternal god, Aion of

I adjure you self-growing Nature, mighty Adonaios;

I adjure you setting and rising eloaios:

I adjure you by these holy and divine names so you will stay
off your Arrows of Covid-19 virus make this epidemic stop

Hear blessed one, I call you who rule heaven

And earth and Chaos and Hades where dwell

Daemons of men who once gazed on the light.

Apollo send your daemons at my sacred chants.

So that they will make this epidemic stop

They who move by night to your orders

From whose own tent this plague comes,

May you not ne angry at my sacred chants. Guard

That my whole body become known intact,

For you yourself arranged these things among

Mankind for them to learn.

I call your name, In number equal to the very Moirai,

achaiphothothoaielaeia aieaieiaothothophiacha.

I offer you this sacrifice so you will stay off your Arrows of Covid-19 virus make this epidemic stop.

Light the candle

With this act I cause the impact of Covid 19 to be reduced in the world. Rather than it being a problem for humanity, may it become a
sacrifice to Apollo as I chant the names he delights to hear.

(place the bay leaf in the candle flame hold until it is burnt to nothing) say slowly

allalala santalala talala

allalala santalala talal

allalala santalala tala

allalala santalala tal

allalala santalala ta

allalala santalala t

allalala santalala

allalala santalal

allalala santala

allalala santal

allalala santa

allalala sant

allalala san

allalala sa

allalala s

















Pause and visualise the God taking the Covid into himself see it reduce and get weaker until it is nothing.

I thank you great solar god for your work here this day. May this ritual cause humanity to speak of your greatness once again.

I free all being seen and unseen who may have been trapped by this ceremony may you go to your appointed tasks with the blessing of Helio-Apollo.


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