Becoming something different
Becoming something different

Becoming something different

There are times when we do not believe that we can escape who or what we are.  This happened to me when my first marriage ended.  The Nick that went through that process simply was too weak to continue. 

With my self-confidence at a low and depression settling in I could not work out a way to break out of the misery that I was in. I used a magical technique called assuming a godform to help me out of it.

In many ways it was a form of psychological magic as it did not have to be as strong as building a godform for a magical operation, but I did have to assume it a lot to get the effect I was after.
Firstly you have to decide what you want to be.  If you are happy with who you are, then this is really not for you.   
You make a list of all the things you want to be.  This can include what you want to look like if that involves losing weight or something that can be changed non-surgically.  In my case it was about self-confidence, particularly in relationships. 
You should then try to visualise that thought form very clearly as if it were you looking into a mirror and seeing that being.   You should also give it a name.
You should spend some time visualising that self and doing all the things on your list.  The more you do this the better and stronger the godform will be come.  You see it as being confident in situations where you would be terrified, doing things that you think might be risky, in situations which you might avoid because you lack the courage.  It is important that you see yourself being happy in those situations.    It cannot be an image seen in negatives.  If you don’t want spots you don’t say that your idealised version does not have spots.  You see your idealised version having reasonably good skin. Physical things are harder to change (but not impossible). In my experiment I did not want to look different just feel better about what I looked like. 
Then when you are used to imagining how that persona works you can then use a variation of the assumption of the godform technique
Assumption of the Magical Persona
Perform the Cabbalistic Cross and the Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram. Then Chant IAO name at least ten times.  Once you feel that light everywhere, in your mind’s eye allow it to form into a ball about two inches above your head.
Visualise the magical persona as a small statue inside your groin area.  Visualise it as clearly as you can.  Then draw down a line of line from the ball above your head, down your spine and connect it to the statue.
As you breath in, see more light descend and the statue get bigger.  As you breath out see the statue start to come alive.  Normally with a godform you would not allow it to grow bigger than below your nose, but in this case it is safe to do so.
Pause for a moment and then allow your mind to make contact with the Godform.  You will receive all sorts of feelings, and thoughts.  Just make a note of these.  The goal here is feel what the godform is thinking.  Open your eyes.  See with the eyes of the godform.  If it is too alarming for now just shut them and feel the energy of the Godform.  If you feel able, you might like to try to move as the new persona, seeing your room with its eyes and touch.
Hold this feeling for as long as possible.  Then sit down and pull your mind from that of the god.   Allow the persona to shrink until it is the size of a statue again.  Pull out the white light cord and allow it to retreat until it returns to the ball of light above your head.  Perform a cabbalistic cross and allow all the images to fade.
Do this several times before you are ready to try it out for real.    The next stage is to assume that persona in situations where you want to be that particular person.   In the early days of the Internet I experimented on Compuserve talking to strangers in that new persona.  But soon I was doing it in other situations.  Each time I thought   Nick Farrell might not be able to make something happen, but I knew it was easy for  my magical persona.
I rapidly found myself in completely new situations and seen differently by other people.   I soon did not have to go through the assumption process but just had to say the magical persona’s name.  After several months I noticed that I was starting to act like the magical persona without even doing that I had integrated its qualities enough not to worry about it.    It resulted in being a psychological alchemy technique similar to what I describe in my coming book Magical Imagination. 
Curiously I would not adopt that persona now — it seems too immature.  If I did the exercise now, I would be looking to bring in different qualities.  But changing self in this way is not something I would do lightly.  It was just that I was at the end of the road of who I had been and was too weak to continue.  
You do not become completely different.  You still remain your astrological chart.  But instead of reflecting all the down sides of yourself, you can reflect more positive aspects of it.
In regards to physical changes, particularly on weight matters, you would be saying to yourself “My magical persona can handle a serious diet and exercise that is why it has a great figure”.   In other words it is not a shortcut just a means to an end.
One thing that you will notice is that in the early days before it is integrated the persona talks to you.  So it can help you find answers or, more specifically, trust your own answers.   This stage should not last long and you should be careful about what it says, as it is possible to get a fly in the ointment into this process.  If it starts telling you that you are Jesus then somehow something has gone wrong.     In that situation I would go through a month’s worth of purification rituals and banishings before trying it again.  
I should say though that I didn’t encounter any problems and this was one of the most interesting periods of my life.  Mostly though I remember it as being fun, but then again I am a triple Leo and acting is something I like doing.  Being another character, even if that was my future self, was an adventure.


  1. I am amazed that this blog didn’t get more comments. It never ceases to amaze me that occultists will argue over who said what in this grimoire or that manuscript (i.e. get caught up in the fineries of intellectual detail), but still overlook the most important practical, effective and useful techniques of Magic. This technique you mention is the one I employ more than any other technique (alongside my daily Pentagram rituals, Middle Pillar, etc.). It is a technique that is well known and used in personal development methodology such as life coaching and NLP. Used long term and with persistence is always shown to yield good results, sometimes dramatic results. In my coaching practice we use a program called the “Winner’s Image” where you just work solely on building up in your mind’s eye, a clear image of the person who you *want* to become (not limiting it to what you *think* you are capable of – because you may underestimate what you *are* capable of – i.e. you may be capable of far more than you think). It can be applied to business, relationships or anything else. Much of this technique (that we use in that program) was developed by a San Antonia Plastic Surgeon called Dr Thurman Fleet who noticed that patients who got surgery to take away some physical disfigurement, became more confident (and effective) only in some cases. After interviewing them post-surgery, he realized that the only ones who really psychologically and sociologically benefited from the surgery were those who, pre-surgery, had a strong self-image of who they were. Those who still had a poor self-image (what we might call “low self esteem”) didn’t benefit much from the surgery, psychologically or sociologically. So, applying this to ritual practice, you could say, we can do all the rituals we want, but if that inner image isn’t there… well! As the GD says “for by Names and IMAGES are all powers awakened and re-awakened”.

  2. I enjoyed this article and the creativity in creating one’s own Magickal Persona for integration and balance in one’s Personality or Chariot. Although, for me, work with the assumption of Godforms does achieve the same purpose, though not in as tailored a way. Personality development and maturation as well as conacting the Divine in me are two aspects of this Work for me, though I think it is useful to have more techniques and more personal one’s that evoke our own Imagination, Creative Genius and Power as Creators in this world. Indeed Magick is a way of being in the world. The only concern I would have in this exercise if one is avoiding the personal work that the undesired elements in the current persona indicate? I think its important to not just force change, even healing, but done properly this is coming from the intention of being not just what the Ego desires but what the Soul and Spirit yearns to become.

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