The Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea is not a Golden Dawn Group
The Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea is not a Golden Dawn Group

The Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea is not a Golden Dawn Group

For a long while I have described the Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea as a traditional Golden Dawn group. From today it is not and we will stop describing ourselves in that way.
MOAA will no longer look to the past for any particular knowledge or security, but to its future.  And rather than trying to pour new wine into old skins we will be more secure in our own independence and ability to move in our own direction.   
The word “Golden Dawn” has come to mean the tradition which encompasses all its off-shoots including the modern renditions of the Stella Matutina, Smaragdum Thallasses and the AO.  However most of these traditions do not run anything like the original Golden Dawn and have been chained to an egregore which is largely hostile to and undermines their activities. 
The Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea, with its emphasis on experimentation and developing the magical tradition is completely at odds with this “golden dawn” egregore. In fact in our opinion this particular egregore has done its best to commit suicide over the last 20 years.    Its use by Greek Fascists has placed another nail in a coffin which has been sledgehammered by people trying to turn it into a cult or a business, or by kids, armed with a copy of Regardie trying to set up Magical Orders without knowledge or ability.  
It should not be necessary to summon the ghost of a long dead and dysfunctional order to prop up an order which in most cases works much better.  Self-confident groups which have something real to offer do not need to evoke the past to describe what they are doing now or in the future.
The Aurora Aurea Vault
In any event the historical Golden Dawn egregore is nowhere near as magical as the groups that replaced it and is a quasi-masonic shadow of the modern groups that bear its name.   In our view the use of this egregore actively works to undermine the ability of good groups to function within the 21st century.
That is not to say that the “Golden Dawn” methods do not work.  Indeed the Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea will continue to use the rituals and general structure of the Smaragdum Thallasses (Whare Ra) order, which was descended from the Golden Dawn but resolved its egregore problem by rewiring itself. 
The Whare Ra Vault
As Smaragdum Thallasses found its own roots to a hermetic source independent of the Golden Dawn, so has the Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea.  We have developed our own contacts and method of using the Smaragdum Thallasses system and have our own set of goals which we feel would be constrained by continuing to adopt the old Golden Dawn egregore and name.
Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea will also be seen as being part of a wider “golden dawn community.”   To most people looking at our system we would probably appear to be a bunch of “Golden Dawn people” who emphase magical techniques, but at a deeper level, particularly within our second order, we are not and I feel it is time to make that clear.
In many ways this statement makes us “new” and will be the beginning of work we will be doing to distance ourselves from the “golden dawn” egregore and evolve our own connect with the source behind it.  We will be updating our websites and material accordingly.  While Aurora Aurea is Latin for Golden Dawn, placing it in a “dead tongue” means that it goes to a “different place” and or own lineage and egregore.
 MOAA continues to be a traditional magic order, but is not a traditional Golden Dawn order.
The goals of the Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea:
1. Fuse the Inner and Outer plane traditions of the Smaragdum Thallasses (as expressed by the Dion Fortune tradition and the pure Golden Dawn).
2. To develop a scientific and individualist approach to magic.
3. Restore a balance between religions within magic so that a person might develop their own religious understanding free from any dogma.
4.   To provide magical training to those who are ready using the latest communication methods.
5. To experiment with new methods of magical expression and to share that information.
6. To eliminate any discrimination within occultism on the basis of sex, religion, race, sexuality or beliefs.
7. To establish better communication between Western Mystery traditions to the enhancement of our own.
8. To encourage each student to develop their magical gifts to the best of their ability so that they can take a pivotal role within an evolving humanity.
10. To assist a student and adept in the attainment of their own spiritual destiny.
11. To continue to study and adapt the Smaragdum Thallasses system.
12. To create a magical order where practical techniques are given priority over intellectual understanding.
Issued in the Hour of Venus on the Day of Venus

20 December 2013


  1. Congratulations, Nick! It’s never easy to leave home, but the freedom is wonderful. I’ve been through this myself in my Wiccan period, when we defined and separated out the California Gardnerian line. May Aurora Aurea go from strength to strength!

  2. MsD

    I am overwhelmed with happiness to read that scientific method and independent thought are actually valued in a practicing order. The pettiness, ego, and sexism I have seen in closed orders that push hard with either christian dogma, mindless cult behavior or sex has been a thorn in my side and has chased me out in basic self defence from orders I would likely do well in as a single, white christian male.

  3. Anonymous

    If there is a book out that teaches your methods to aspiring students please name it. If not please write one for those of us solitaries who cant get to your order physically. Thank you Nick.
    I just purchased your newest edition of Magical Talismans. I admire your work.

  4. Anonymous

    Welcome to the 21st century. After all the pathetic debates with that ridicuolous “imperator”, it seems you have learnt something… or are you just trying not to be swept awat by the new streams of magic?

  5. Anonymous

    Welcome to the 21st century. After all the pathetic debates with that ridicuolous “imperator”, it seems you have learnt something… or are you just trying not to be swept awat by the new streams of magic?

  6. One of the things I am glad about with being in an Order that doesn’t have Golden Dawn in its title is that people don’t expect us to be classical Golden Dawn and it leaves us room to grow and develop our system in a direction that is not a pure copy of the traditional GD, but rather a building on, and an evolution from, the later form of the GD known as the Stella Matutina and, later, as Smaradum Thalasses.

  7. Though just a neophite in the Golden Dawn I can see so much sense in your words and I have heard so much of you living in Ireland!!!
    So much sense it makes to me that it will make me reflect my own membership in the GD.
    In particular:
    To assist a student and adept in the attainment of their own spiritual destiny.
    Assistance as in a direct form of tutorship from a teacher whose ethics are impecable so the student can have a clear mirror to see his own light and follow it.

    To create a magical order where practical techniques are given priority over intellectual understanding. I have met alot of ‘magicians’ with much better memory than others whom, even though of limited literacy, were of enormous superiority in both ethical stature and practice.

    To encourage each student to develop their magical gifts to the best of their ability so that they can take a pivotal role within an evolving humanity. To the best of my ability is the best I can do and having entered occultism in my 50s and already wounded by life I know that can only go so
    far…which in some aspects such as awareness and compassion is very far. This unique qualieties
    aren’t seen and advanced when all you need to do is to memorize a vast intellectual curriculum writen
    in ‘thou’form.

    To develop a scientific and individualist approach to magic.
    Obsevable and original…measurable in both inner transformation and healing effects in the world.

    Sorry I diverted a bit but this is my understanding of your words and I hope It realtes to what you want to advance.
    Thanks Nick
    I am seeking, have been seeking for a while for teachings that help me reach my full potential.
    I have met wonderful teachers. (Kind, empathetic and with deep wisdom and understanding of my needs(I continue ot work with them). I have also met megalomaiacs, self serving narcissists using the occult to draw the living juice out of worshippers (I stay weeelll away from this)
    I will definitly read what you have to offer as It rings a nice bell(a gong actually)inside me.
    Wish you the best.
    Thanks for your work.

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